How to Bring Mentors and Mentees Together to Deliver an Amazing Outcome
STEM Cork Life Sciences Group reached out to Active Peers AI to help with facilitating a Mentor Training Day and three Skills Bridge Days for students taking part in the STEM TY Challenge.
- Custom Prompter
- Feedback Tool
- During the session, we gave the students a Custom Prompter to help them navigate through their first meeting with their mentors. The purpose of the Custom Prompter is to help the students learn as much as they can about their mentors.
- Then, we gave the mentors the Feedback Tool to evaluate what they thought of their conversations using the Custom Prompter. Most of the mentors found the conversations to be friendly, insightful, and useful.
When we asked the mentors "What new perspectives did you get from this meeting", one mentor said:
"How TY students may not be aware of the STEM opportunities available to them during school and college - placement, etc. It was interesting to hear that the students were unaware of the cost of college/masters and probably unaware of the grants available to certain individuals to cover some of these costs."
Another mentor said:
"I found my co-mentor very interesting to listen to from a perspective of shared experiences of working in STEM but also her different perspective of working in a lab environment as opposed to my experience in a manufacturing environment."
Regarding the students' feedback on their meetings with their mentors, they said:
"I was given information I'll keep with me for years from now as I am planning to get a job in STEM. Very beneficial and informative."
"I have learned that in order to be in STEM, you don't have to have specific backgrounds, that there is a wide variety of job opportunities within. I have also learned that you don't have to devote your entire life to have a job in STEM, you still get your days off with flexible days and nice hours so there is still time to have a perfect social life.